Reason has traditionally been understood, not only as separate from emotion / sentiment, but as antithetical to it. Thus, being deemed rational required a rejection of emotion & those deemed “emotional” were irrational & immoral
Action-based theories = require exclusionary understandings of rationally & impartially (e.g., calculating what will maximize happiness or reasoning to abstract moral principles)
Conceive of epistemic agents / knowers as being individualistic, self-interested, autonomous selves which reflects a more masculine conception of the Self
Not Situated = does not take into account social, political, or economic realities of moral agents
Excludes the role of parenting & other interdependent relationships (private realm) in cultivating moral virtues
Descriptively Inaccurate
Offer wrong / one-sided view of moral life /development which is embedded within the theories themselves
Action-based theories = concepts are too vague / abstract / broad (assume universality of experience) & NOT representative of the experiences of women / marginalized masculinities
Agent-based theories = traditional virtues reflect hegemonic masculinity & thus exclude groups from being considered "virtuous"