What is it?
Discrimination based on one’s sex; an ideology that justifies and supports male dominant social relations
MISOGYNY - against women
MISANDRY - against men
Systems and environments which control / punish women who challenge, and thus enforces, male dominance
A social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property.
Some patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male lineage.
Basic Terminology
Biological fact of being “male”, “female”, or “intersex”
Cultural idea of being “masculine”, “feminine”, both or neither (to varying degrees)
Personal experience of one’s gender (“woman”, “man”, “agender”, “androgynous”, “genderqueer”, …)
Gender Identity & Expression Map
Content of one's desires, experiences, and orientation
self-ascribed label of sexuality