Feminist Epistemology  Standpoint Theory

PUBLISHED January, 2024 [UPDATED October 2024]

What is it?

Prominent theory of knowledge from Feminist Epistemology (i.e., part of the study of knowledge and justified belief)

Classified by (i) situating knowledge / justification / other epistemic status in the individual & (ii) epistemically privileging those who resist traditional marginalization

RECOMMEND READING: (1) Epistemology & (2) Hierarchical Dualism Gig Philosophy pages for (1) traditional accounts of knowledge in the philosophical canon and (2) an overview of the ways in which reason has conventionally been linked to masculinity, while unreason has been linked to femininity.

Conceptual Basis

Reason & Masculinity

The historical association of reason with masculinity (i) has nothing to do with claims about relativism [subjectivity], and (ii) is MORE than just misogynist attitudes in philosophical thought; it is the way reason has been understood and developed.

Specifically, reason has been developed with male ideals, which have BOTH: (i) excluded women from the domain of reason, and (ii) devalued ways of knowing associated with women.

Absence of women from the philosophical tradition [and other marginalized voices from traditionally privileged male dominated fields] is the direct result of the conceptualization of reason done exclusively by [white upperclass heteronormative able Christian...] men and for [...] men.

Reason & Emotion

Historical Split: Emotion ≠ Reason        

17th c. sharpened contrast: reason = instrumental
18th c. added empiricism (senses + reason):

Scientific method neutralizes emotions of individuals
Separates emotion from both the senses and reason

This split is NOT absolute or necessary

MYTH OF DISPASSIONATE INVESTIGATION = The tendency to suppress emotions leads to the MYTH that there are dispassionate investigators
FALSE = Emotions are ALWAYS present in investigations

Solution: Construct a model of Knowledge = REASON + EMOTION (mutually constitutive - both necessary)

The Feminist Response

Can Traditional Theories Be Fixed?

NO simple solution to this problem.

It is NOT enough to affirm that both sexes are equal in their possession of reason, or that women should / can have equal participation in the acquisition of knowledge.

It is NOT as simple as allowing women to be accommodated into an ideal which has defined itself in opposition to the feminine.

Affirming the value and importance of the feminine CANNOT eradicate the underlying normative structures.

If there is reason that knows no sex and is common to all, it is something that we can aspire for in the FUTURE; as it is NOT in the current accounts of knowledge that are carried from the traditional conceptualization of a male reason

Feminist Epistemologies

Feminists have NOT been disinterested in traditional philosophical issues, rather they have taken a principled disengagement with / critique of areas they view as inherently sexist.

Feminist Epistemology: Area of feminist philosophy that…

(i) Deals specifically with questions about the nature of knowledge;

(ii) Draws attention to fact that, historically, women been excluded or discouraged from important areas/disciplines of knowledge [particularly in academic institutions]; and

(iii) Examines whether the exclusion of women has had an impact on the subject as a whole

The discipline as a whole is enriched by feminist evaluation

Types of Feminist Epistemology

Feminist Empiricism

Maintains traditional understanding of ‘rationality’ and ‘objectivity’

Irrationality = biased / discriminatory practices

Aim: repair equal opportunity for women in institutional philosophy (who have merely been denied this epistemic status)

Problems: Essentialism + Restricted to repair work of existing structures 

Standpoint Theory

Maintains Social Constructivism

Reinterpret classic Western canon 

Aim: need new paradigms to account for diverse perspectives

Oppressed = epistemically privileged

Problems: Criticisms of empiricism leave open possibility of relativism + Difficulty accounting for intersectionality

Feminist Postmodernism

Sex and Gender = deconstruct categories

Aim: launch entirely new and dynamic dialogue centered on bodies

Eradicate discourse, no voice is uncontaminated

Problems: Accounting for differences in meaningful ways without discourse

Association of Women with Bodies


Asserting the maleness of reason is a DEEP philosophical tradition which delegates women to the body (i.e., to the part of the person deemed as irrational) putting women in opposition to knowledge (by associating the female nature with deception)

Example: Use of sex metaphor where womanhood / femininity is associated with the negative aspect(s) / nature of a thing 

Can you think of any examples which either align with or departs from this historical pattern?

Correlative power dynamics:

Men = mind = rational
Women = body = irrational


What are emotions? 

2 Updated Definitions:

Dictionary: a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others
Feminist Epistemology: intelligent appraisals of a world that we do not control, in the light of our own most significant goals and plans

Once we understand the complex intelligence of emotions, we will also have new reasons to value their work in other arenas. That is, as opposed to how they have been viewed historically (i.e., as being interfering with / being a hinderance to reason / rationality)

Correlative power dynamics:

Men = rational = dominant
Women = irrational [emotional] = subordinated

Association of Irrationality with Emotions

Don't They Interfere?

Based on a misunderstanding of what emotions are


☑️ Intentional: not dumb, unspoken, meaningless psychological feelings

☑️ Social Constructs: not instinctive, pre-social, or pre-linguistic
Not biologically determined

☑️ Active Engagements: not merely involuntary occurrences
Partly voluntary, partly involuntary
Habitual responses constitutive of the world

☑️ Valuable: both instrumentally [for survival] and intrinsically [give meaning to life]

PROBLEM: We tend to suppress them [socialization] which gives rise to a myth

Why They Help?

Historically Marginalized Persons have 2 kinds of emotions: 

Hegemonic” = conservative emotions 

Outlaw” = unconventional emotions

How They're Different

Traditional Epistemologies:

❌ Individualist knower = generic, interchangeable, self-sufficient

❌ Denies epistemic relevance of ID and social locations

❌ Makes gender of epistemic agent irrelevant

❌ Ignores more complex forms of knowledge [emotive]

❌ Ignores social interactions which make knowledge possible

Feminist Epistemologies:

☑️ Situated knower = specific, contextual, lived experiences

☑️ Perspectives: shape, limit, & subtly influence knowledge  

☑️ Some locations are more epistemically reliable than others

☑️ Communities as knowers, NOT individuals - individuals can have knowledge, but not independently of communities

☑️ Standards set by critical engagement/scrutiny of others

Contemporary Concepts

Standpoint Theory

Epistemic Privilege


Marginalized gain Epistemic Privilege through fighting one's oppression > DOUBLE VISION

Women = Good at reflecting on emotions b/c of their:

But we don’t want to reverse the privilege
Instead, we ought to model knowledge nonhierarchically