Comparing Thinkers

Updated November, 2024

Academic Philosophy

Discipline that encompasses a wide range of skills and foundational issues (logic, metaphysics, epistemology, & axiology).

ANYONE can be a philosopher, though that hasn't always been acknowledged

Philosophy as Practice

Study of general and fundamental problems in the form of questions. Whether inside or outside of academia, this intellectual activity, when done well, promotes a boundless way of engaging in the world.

Like most institutions of authority, women and POC have been excluded and erased from the History of Philosophy. “The habit of ignoring female philosophers has become so entrenched that even the secondary literature is marked by their absence.” (Weinberg)

Equity, Access, & Inclusion in Philosophy

The history of philosophy (like most areas of intellectual authority) has been dominated by wealthy, able, white, heteronormative, Christian, cis-males. While great strides are being made to both (i) acknowledge those nondominant voices which have been historically overlooked / erased, and (ii) increase the number of womxn and people of color majoring in the discipline; there remains work to be done to achieve parity, let alone equity in the field.