Themed &101

Part of the Philosophy Concentration

This themed Philosophy &101 course provides a diverse and engaging introduction to the major areas of philosophy. It will include content from the canonical West as well as from Indian, Chinese, Greek, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Spanish, Latin-American, and African traditions.

By the end of this course, students will have...

1. Become familiar with major philosophical themes, problems, and the methods of dealing with them;

2. Be introduced to important classical and contemporary philosophers from Western and non-Western traditions;

3. Learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts from different geopolitical origins / authorship;

4. Acquire an initial command of philosophical language;

5. Demonstrate what it means to adopt a "philosophical attitude"; and

6. Appreciate what philosophy is and the way in which it is relevant to practical issues.

Sample Syllabus

Themed PHIL &101 Syllabus-World Philosophy